Massage involves stroking, pressing, and kneading the body’s soft tissues to relieve pain and relax, stimulate, and tone. Its primary benefits are relaxation and reduction of anxiety.
Patients are also believed to feel cared for when massage is provided, leading to better communication with their health providers. Click to learn more.

Relaxation is the main benefit of massage, helping the body and mind to let go of stress and tension. Massage stimulates the body’s soft tissues by increasing their temperature through friction and causing vasodilation, which is the widening of blood cells. This increases blood flow to the area being massaged, bringing fresh nutrients and removing waste products. The result is that muscles, tendons and ligaments become looser and more flexible, making movement easier and reducing the risk of injury.
Many people report feeling relaxed and energised after a massage. This is partly due to the fact that massage reduces cortisol levels, which in turn increases serotonin. The release of these positive hormones has a profound effect on your mood, decreasing anxiety and increasing your sense of well-being.
A good massage also encourages breathing deeply and calmly, which promotes a meditative state that helps you feel more centred and anchored in your body. This deep breathing also nourishes your muscles with oxygen, which is important for muscle health and cellular function.
It is a good idea to communicate with your massage therapist before the session starts, as this will help them plan what techniques they should use. This is also the best time to let them know if there are any areas that require more attention or are tender and painful. Having open communication with your massage therapist will ensure that you have the most positive and beneficial experience possible.
Relaxation massage is great for relieving pain and resolving knots. It is also effective for improving your flexibility as it stretches the muscles and tendons of the body, which can lead to improved posture and better balance.
This type of massage is also beneficial for those who suffer from sleep problems. It is known to improve sleep patterns by calming the nervous system and boosting melatonin production, which is key to a restful sleep. In addition, it can lower the level of cortisol and increase serotonin in the body, which also promotes better sleep.
Pain Relief
Massage relieves pain by increasing the flow of blood and nutrients to injured tissues. This stimulates the formation of new tissue and decreases swelling. The endorphins that are released during a massage also help to reduce pain and increase a person’sperson’s range of motion. In addition, therapeutic massage relaxes the muscles and tendons around painful areas to decrease tension, which can alleviate pain and reduce stiffness.
A growing number of clinical studies are reporting positive evidence for massage therapy in a variety of musculoskeletal pain conditions, including fibromyalgia and chronic neck and back pain. A recent study of patients with knee osteoarthritis found that those who received a full body massage experienced significantly less pain and reduced stiffness compared to those who received light touch or standard care.
Moreover, a 2012 study published in the International Journal of Neuroscience found that stimulating pressure receptors with moderately applied pressure, such as during massage, can send pain-reducing signals to the brain. However, further research is needed to understand the mechanisms through which massage affects the nervous system and produces its benefits for pain management.
In addition to reducing pain, therapeutic massage may help with depression and anxiety. It does so by lowering levels of the stress hormone cortisol and boosting serotonin, which helps create a sense of calm. It may also reduce the perception of pain by influencing how the nervous system processes sensory information.
For many people who suffer from chronic or severe pain, the use of medications is often limited by side effects such as stomach problems, liver and kidney damage, addiction and overdose. As a result, the need for pain relief methods that are non-pharmacologic is on the rise. For this reason, it’sit’s important to include massage in a holistic approach to pain management.
Increased Flexibility
Massage increases flexibility in both muscles and the joints they move. This flexibility is a result of a decrease in tightness or stiffness in muscles and a loosening of the surrounding tissues. Regular massage can help increase flexibility and improve the quality of your movements, reducing the risk of injury and allowing you to enjoy life more fully.
Flexibility can be decreased due to a number of factors including sedentary lifestyles and overuse of certain muscles. A loss of flexibility can lead to reduced movement, causing stiffness and discomfort. Regular massage can reduce the build up of toxins in muscles, improving their elasticity and resulting in less tightness. Stretching is also a great way to increase flexibility and is a good addition to any exercise routine. Incorporating therapist-assisted stretching into a massage session can reinforce your at-home stretches and help you get more out of them.
Myofascial release is another technique used during a massage to increase flexibility. This is done by applying pressure on areas of the body containing soft tissue known as fascia. Fascia provides support within structures of the body but can become restrictive leading to pain. When massage is applied to fascia it increases the temperature of the tissue which helps to rehydrate and loosen the material which leads to increased flexibility.
Another way in which massage can increase flexibility is through the breaking down/realignment of collagen fibres. Collagen fibres form a tough cross link over muscle fibres which can restrict flexibility. During massage, the temperature of collagen fibres rise which allows the therapist to break down the cross links and re-align the muscles.
In one study, researchers compared the effects of nine minutes of static stretching with dynamic stretching followed by massage on sprint, agility and jumping performance in athletes. They found that static stretching alone negatively affects short-term peak performance, but that the combination of dynamic stretching and massage alleviated this negative effect. This is likely because the static stretching caused an initial decrease in the amplitude of the muscle stretch reflex, which was reversed by the relaxation and comforting effects of massage.
Better Sleep
In addition to its pain relief, mood boost and blood circulation benefits, massage can help improve sleep quality for people who suffer from chronic problems such as insomnia. A growing body of research indicates that regular massage therapy significantly reduces symptoms of insomnia and other sleep disorders, as well as improving overall health and well-being.
The human touch stimulates pressure receptors in the skin, triggering the parasympathetic nervous system to take over and promote calm. In addition, massage helps to increase serotonin, which is a natural precursor for melatonin. This is crucial for a healthy circadian rhythm, as melatonin regulates the sleep-wake cycle. Studies also show that massage lowers cortisol, which is a stress hormone that can disrupt sleep patterns.
It’sIt’s important to note that not all types of massage are effective at inducing sleep, so it is important to find a style that works best for you. A great place to start is with a gentle, soothing style, such as Shiatsu or aromatherapy massage using lavender scents.
Massage can also be helpful in improving sleep for people who struggle with apnea, migraines, and even restless legs syndrome. Adding massage to your bedtime routine can help you fall asleep faster and sleep deeper, so you wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
Massage may be particularly beneficial for people who have trouble sleeping due to medical conditions, including cancer patients. Studies have shown that massage can be a useful tool for improving sleep disturbances caused by chemotherapy, radiation and other cancer treatments. This is in part because it reduces the stress and fatigue that often accompanies these medical treatments, as well as helping to ease the pain and discomfort of these ailments. In fact, one study found that cancer survivors who reported experiencing sleep disturbances experienced improvements in self-reported sleep and objective sleep measures after receiving regular massages.